Desk View Settings |
Each mini window has a ToolTip configured to display either the caption text or a live preview of its corresponding window on the desktop. With 'Live preview (when available)' switched off, the tooltips will only display the caption text of attached windows. With Wallpaper 'on', the Desk View displays the current desktop background image. |
General Settings |
The 'Timeouts (in milliseconds)' value is used by DeskScope to determine whether to detach one or more windows if they become unresponsive. With 'Auto attach' switched on, DeskScope automatically detects and attaches compatible windows belonging to applications and Windows Store apps. With 'Auto launch' switched on, DeskScope automatically starts when signing in to Windows if it was not closed before signing out on the previous occasion. |
Hot Key Settings |
The hot key combination is used to attach, or detach, the currently active window. |
Updates |
DeskScope can be configured to periodically check online and download available updates. To manually download updates, you could click 'Download available updates now...', or you could visit the Download page. A computer restart may be required when updating DeskScope. |